“Let’s Code, Tamil Nadu" a state-level coding competition was organised by KGISL Institute of Technology in January 2021. Team De-bug consisting of coders Shabesa K. A., Marudu Paandiyan K. and Rishi Menon of Grade 11 submitted their project titled MEDBAY and emerged as winners. MEDBAY is a project on the Online Hospital Management System cum Health Information System providing all the information to doctors, patients, and paramedic personnel of the same hospital, in just one click. Team De-bug bagged the 'Coding Champions' trophy and a cash prize of 3000 INR.
It is to be highlighted that this Yuvabharathi team has won the 'Coding Champions' trophy for the third time in a row (2019, 2020 and 2021) continuing the winning streak in the domain of coding. Team Yuva congratulates the trio on their hat trick!
Yuvabharathi has been ranked as Number 1 in the city - Top CBSE school in Coimbatore- for three years by the EducationWorld Magazine and has made it to the prestigious list of Top 50 Schools that have been recognised as 'Future 50 Schools Shaping Success '. Having established itself as the Best Public School in Coimbatore in its first decade, it is the fourth time in a row that Yuvabharathi was conferred as one of the Top Schools in India in 2022 and won accolades for excelling in the categories namely Academic Excellence, Co-curricular activities, Best infrastructure school, Excellence in Sports Education, STEM Education, Best Happiness Quotient Index School, Excellence in Inspirational leadership, Best Online Teaching Practices and the Best CBSE School by Brainfeed School Excellence Awards. Careers360 magazine awarded the Best Schools in India certificate with an AAAA+ grade to Yuvabharathi Public School for the academic years 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24.